be featured

Want to be a Mr Price model?
Here are the steps you can follow to make it happen! All the models you have seen featured across our digital platforms, socials & in-store are booked through reputable modeling agencies or current Mr Price brand partners.
All official casting notices are posted directly through modeling agencies or through our official verified social platforms. We will never recruit or post any casting opportunities through unrecognised third party accounts across social media, nor will we ever ask you to share any lewd imagery.
If you're serious about getting into the modeling industry, we highly recommend getting in touch with reputable & recognised modeling agencies. Check out the member's tab of for a list of agencies you can reach out to. If you're under 16, please get your parents or legal guardian to assist you with this process.
Should you come across any suspicious accounts or posts, please pop us a DM on our social platforms or send an email to and we will pursue the matter with our legal team.

#mrpmystyle content creators
If you’d like to be a Mr Price brand partner, tagging and sharing your fashion & beauty content is the best way to start. We’re always scrolling through our socials for fresh & original content creators with a unique sense of style.
Show us what you’ve got by snapping, tagging @mrpfashion on Instagram & @mrpricefashion on TikTok & share your content using #mrpmystyle or #scarlethillbeauty. For the kids, tag @mrpricekids with #mrpkidsmystyle. Remember, consistency & originality is key! We’re all about next level content, that’s engaging, shot on clean backgrounds and serving major personality!
If your content gets us double tapping, our team will reach out to you directly through our verified platforms to discuss any potential features.